2 سال قبل
166 بازدید

Female Mobilizer Vaccinator


ولایت: زابل
ولسوالی: شهر قلات


نام اداره / شرکت: Committed to Good (CTG)
نوع استخدام: برای ۷ ماه قابل تمدید است
معاش: مطابق اصول دفتر
شماره بست: VAC-9660
تعداد وظیفه: ۸
جندر: زن
تحصیل: دیپلومه در بخش علوم صحی
تجربه کاري: دو سال تجربه در بخش مربوطه
مدت قرارداد: ۷ ماه قابل تمدید است
تاریخ شروع: ۲۹-۰۴-۲۰۲۳
تاریخ ختم: ۸-۰۵-۲۰۲۳
ایمیل درخواستي: https://app.tayohr.io/web/login

Position details

Vacancy id          VAC-9660

Job title VAC-9660 Female Mobilizer Vaccinator

Location              Zabul

Apply by             08-May-2023

Start date           01-Jun-2023

Duration             7 months (extendable)

Number of vacancies     8

Qualification      Diploma in Health (essential).

Sector experience           Minimum of 2 year/s of demonstrable relevant Healthcare experience (essential).

Geographical experience             Minimum of 2 year/s of experience in afghanistan (essential).

Languages          Fluent in Pashto (essential), Fluent in Dari (essential).

Job description

CTG overview   

CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.


CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.


Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.


Visit www.ctg.org to find out more


Overview of position    

Afghanistan and Pakistan are the world’s remaining polio-endemic countries. In 2022, as of November 30, Afghanistan reported 02 WPV1 reported in Kunar and Paktika provinces and 13 environmental cases in Eastern Region, Kunar and Nangarhar provinces. These results confirm the need for continues community engagement efforts, especially engagement of influencers with a particular focus on previously inaccessible areas, high-risk districts, and areas where children are still missed mainly those refusing uptake of vaccine due to many aspects such as low awareness, misconception, operational challenges, proper management of vaccines and cold chain systems.


Social mobilization and raising community awareness seem to be a major pillar for improving the health of communities in such a context with low awareness and cultural restrictions. Having more females in the health system at the grassroots level who can better communicate with mothers who are the primary caregiver of the children is an area that requires significant investment. There is strong potential that placing such a cadre will affect the barriers like the cultural restrictions that arise from lack of female staff in the health facilities, which is quite common in polio high-risk provinces. In addition to maintaining routine immunization and respond to referrals the FMVs/supervisors will also help in community engagement, demand generation and ultimately will contribute to building the trust between health system and communities. 


FMVs/ Supervisor will be providing health education sessions at health facilities on vaccine preventable diseases such as polio, pertussis, measles; malnutrition and maternal health, and support EPI team in vaccination of children and women.


Role objectives 

Female Mobilisers Vaccinator Supervisors




1.               Field supervision of FMVs, including monitoring and evaluation of attendance and performance and creating development plans.


2.               Assist in development and implementation of FMVs comprehensive training plan


3.               Partnership building with Health Facilities managers.


4.               Provide technical support to FMVs.


5.               Cluster management and monitoring of results.


6.               Manage the planning, implementation and monitoring of immunization activities in the relevant health facilities


7.               Provide technical oversight to staff to ensure monthly health education and caregivers engagement plans are developed and implemented at health facility level.


8.               Monitor and supervise FMVs performance during health facility visits (Health education sessions, supporting vaccinators, midwives, receipting referrals, IEC materials displayed at health facility sections and data collection)


9.               Compile monthly health facility reports, review, edit and share with the DCO and REOC for finalization. The report includes data of health education sessions, numbers and children and women immunized and type of vaccine, referral services utilization, observations of vaccine uptake.


10.           Conduct monitoring visits to health facilities to address any coordination issues and on the site mentoring as required.


11.           Collect rumors, misconception from the ground and share with DCO


12.           Administrative tasks include compiling staff attendance sheets and payment recommendations, management of transport, training expenses as required.


13.           The incumbent will report to DCO


1.       Female Mobilisers Vaccinators


1.             To vaccinate children and women on daily basis


2.             To provide health education and engagement sessions at the health facility on vaccine preventable diseases such as polio, pertussis, measles and others health topics malnutrition, and maternal health.


3.             To serve as focal point for facilitating referrals, reception of voucher holders and ensure good services, including for the polio referred families.


4.             Coordinate with the community-based outreach workers for the tracking of defaulters, missed children including refusals


5.             To establish a network of cooperation between the community and health facilities through providing necessary information and awareness on national immunization days


6.             Share missed and refusal children lists, outreach plans of health facilities with the supervisors and DCOs for follow up


7.             Contribute to AFP surveillance system by reporting any paralyzed or any child with legs weakness in the community


8.             To provide monthly reports on agreed templates in close coordination with Health Facility in-charge


9.             Support health facility in any other assignment given by the manager


2.       The incumbent will report to health facility manager


3.       Project reporting            

4.       UNICEF staff and Polio extenders will do regular monitoring of the intervention.


5.       Key competencies          

6.       N/A


7.       Team management        

8.       N/A


9.       Further information       

10.   Requirement


11.   Excellent writing, verbal communication skills with the ability to write for multiple platforms and audiences.

12.   Understanding of, polio vaccinations, or interest in, children’s health issues and their wellbeing

13.   Qualification: 


·             Education: Diploma in Health


·             Work Experience: Minimum 3 year of practical professional work experience in healthcare 


·             Language Proficiency: Fluency, Dari, and Pashto


Disclaimer: At no stage of the recruitment process will CTG ask candidates for a fee. This includes during the application stage, interview, assessment and training

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