2 سال قبل
182 بازدید

Community Based Rehabilitation Worker (CBRW)


ولایت: پکتیکا
ولسوالی: سرحوضه-مارزک


نام اداره / شرکت: Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA)
نوع استخدام: مشخص نیست
معاش: مطابق اصول اداره
شماره بست: HRM/GRMO 24/2023
تعداد وظیفه: 1
جندر: مرد
تحصیل: حداقل 12 پاس3-4-
تجربه کاري: 3-4 سال
مدت قرارداد: مشخص نیست
تاریخ شروع: 16 April, 2023
تاریخ ختم: 27 April, 2023
ایمیل درخواستي: https://scahris.odoo.com/jobs/announcements/detail/community-based-rehabilitation-worker-cbrw-518

About Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA):

          SCA Background


SCA has been working in Afghanistan since 1982 and is presently managing development programmes linked to Strategic Objectives concerning Health, Education and Community Driven Development. With a total annual, budget of roughly USD 40 million. The total number of staff is around 5,700 of whom 15 are non-Afghans. The SCA presence in Afghanistan consists of the Kabul Management Office (KMO), five Regional Management Offices and two Liaison Offices. In Sweden SCA has 20 staff working at the Stockholm Management Office (SMO) and around 3,500 members organized in local chapters all over the country. In the last 10 years, SCA has undertaken a change process moving from a primarily humanitarian service delivery approach towards more of a developmental role, putting increasing emphasis on capacity development, rights-based programming and outcome orientation. The mission of SCA is to empower individuals, communities and local organizations, primarily in rural areas and with particular focus on women, girls, boys and vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities, so that they may participate fully in society and influence their own development

Job Description:

Main Responsibilities

  • House to house surveys of PwD within his/her target area
  • Assess needs of PwD with assistance of Physiotherapy, Special Education and Employment Support sections and prepare plan for rehabilitation intervention including selection of training material.
  • Work as a first referral source for the implementation of CBR strategy
  • Assist Disability Project trainers in establishment of CBR Committees
  • Identify and mobilize available local resources and utilize for better implementation of CBR strategy for the rehabilitation of PwD
  • To promote awareness and given advice on disability and rehabilitation issues to the community
  • To promote community’s knowledge regarding disabilities and its prevention at different stage
  • Facilitate school integration of children with disabilities after completion of preparatory education.
  • Identify and introduce the PwD for vocational skills training and loan schemes to SCA employment support, Government agencies and any other organization working in the same area.
  • Assist PwD in filling of revolving loan application forms and collect loan instalments from loan borrowers.
  • Distribute publications such as Village Page to all villages covered by him/her, Wall magazine into all schools and health centers in the concerned area.  
  • Assist Disability Project Information Officers in writing disability articles and life stories of PwD or address them to the information staff.
  • Technically assist the DPOs in identifying the PwDs 
  • Refer needy PwD to other rehabilitation resources inside and outside of Disability Project,
  • Any other job-related task assigned by Disability project manager, CBR senior supervisor, social integration officer and CBR field supervisor.
  • Collect the loan instalments from the PwDs and submit it on monthly basis to Employment Support section.
  • Provide training to family trainers and community volunteers in the topics or material to be used for rehabilitation of PwD in home-based training.
  • To assist and facilitate the social trainer in conducting trainings for community members, teachers, health staff and other disability stake holders on disability rights and other related topics.
  • Promote gender equality, non-discrimination with regard to ethnic, political and religious background.
  • To participate actively in workshops, seminars & conferences organized by the SCA management.
  • Promotes good coordination with other SCA projects, all RMOs units and other units/departments at RMOs.
  • To participate actively in ensuring broad understanding and acceptance by local communities of the RAD projects and SCA in general
  • To attend the coordination meetings with other organizations when Field Supervisor and/or Social Integration officer asked to do,
  • Take responsibility for own work and honestly seeking to achieve organizational and personal objectives groups.
  • A commitment to growth and making a difference in the lives of others through innovative ways.
  • Builds and maintains effective relationships with team, colleagues, approachable, diplomatic, and supportive with developed listening skills.

Job Requirements:

Qualifications & Requirements:

  • Minimum 12 grade School Graduation, bachelor’s degree in social science or community development or Education will be advantaged.
  • 3-4 years’ relevant community development, especially within an NGO, UN agencies or similar organization. Experience in social mobilization is a must, experience in the area of disability is an asset.
  • Computer skill at operator level, especially with MS Office packages.  
  • Fluency in English and Dari and/or Pashto, both written and spoken, other local languages will be big asset,
  • Interpersonal and communication skills
  • Team worker, analytical, and troubleshooting skills.
  • Experience of planning, reporting and budgeting
  • Ability and willingness to travel to the project sites within Afghanistan and adjust to SCA environment.
  • Honest, proactive and well mannered.
  • To be Afghan National

Submission Guideline:

Application Procedures:

  • Interested qualified candidates should submit a full CV with a cover letter explaining their motivation in applying for the job and highlighting their relevant skills and experience;
  • To apply online please send your application / CV and cover letter through Link below:


  • Academic certificates or references need not to be submitted at this time. These will be requested at the time of interview.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be invited for written test and interview.

SCA is committed to ethical standards, a safe and inclusive work environment.  Our work is based on our values: Responsiveness, Equality, Impartiality, Social Justice, and Integrity.

Background and reference checks are part of the recruitment process and will be conducted for the successful candidate

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