2 سال قبل
318 بازدید

Pushal Grade-B/Filament Grade – B پوشال درجه دوم/ Rayan Saffron Company


ولایت: هرات
ولسوالی: انجیل
موقعیت: سرک نوین، گلستان (14)


قیمت جنس: 65000 افغانی

Pushal Saffron contains threads with 2 – 3 mm style. The presence of style (white or yellow part) gives a great fragrance and its coloring power is about 205 to 235 USP.

Features of Pushal Packing:

  • Filament (Pushal): 0.5, 1, 2, 5 gm
  • Filament (Pushal): 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 gm
  • 1 gm. = 0.00220 lb (Pound)  & 1 gm. = 2.204623e-5 sh cwt.

Pushal Saffron contains threads with 2 – 3 mm style. The presence of style (white or yellow part) gives a great fragrance and its coloring power is about 205 to 235 USP.

Pushal Saffron Moisture:

Saffron is very sensitive to moisture because its stigmas are dried and only need it for fragrance, so its moisture should be less than 10%.

Pushal Saffron Color:

Saffron color is red and yellow, and dark red color. Its red color is a lot more.

Pushal Saffron Shape:

Pushal Saffron shape is dry, golden, oval, and round.

Pushal Saffron Size:

Pushal Saffron Size is 0.8 to 2 cm.

Pushal Saffron Taste:

The pure taste of Pushal saffron is somewhat bitter.

Pushal Saffron Aroma:

Pushal Saffron has a strong or excellent aroma.

Pushal Saffron Packing:

Our company always offers high-quality products and the most complimentary service for our buyers; we take quality as necessary as service.

 Saffron Keeping Methods:

The refrigerator’s temperature is the fit temperature for keeping stigmas from separation up to drying operation. Fresh saffron should be dried to keep it for an extended period. But dried saffron shouldn’t have heat and high-temperature environments because these factors can cause problems with the saffron. The best place for saffron is a place to keep away from light.

Saffron Keeping Temperature: Before packing, dried saffron should keep in a cool place like refer containers (25-30), and after packing, dried saffron should keep in a familiar place without high temperature and straight light.

Rayan Herat Saffron Company
عضو از زمان: 2 سال
Company Address : Golestan #14 road, Navin Street, Enjil district, Herat-Afghanistan. Office address: Office No. 8. Saffron Plaza Market,Ameriat Square, Herat-Afghanistan.
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+93728061919 | +93784061919 | +93706061919
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