2 سال قبل
167 بازدید

Nagin/Cut Filament Grade-B-نگین زعفران / Rayan Herat Saffron Company


ولایت: هرات
ولسوالی: انجیل
موقعیت: سرک نوین، گلستان (14)


قیمت جنس: 70000 افغانی

Nagin Saffron is longer and thicker than common saffron. It is pure and contains stigma without the style. Nagin Saffron has no style & pollen and just consists of red parts of stigma with high strength of coloring and aroma.

Nagin Saffron Color: Its coloring is red and rich and powerful. Its Color Strength is 235-275 USP.

Nagin Saffron Shape: Super Nagin Saffron shape is dry, red, oval, stick, round and thick threads.

Features of Nagin Packing

All red (Super Nagin): 0.5, 1, 2, 5 gm
All red (Super Nagin): 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 gm
1 gm. = 0.00220 lb (Pound)  & 1 gm. = 2.204623 e-5 sh cwt.

Rayan Herat Saffron Company
عضو از زمان: 2 سال
Company Address : Golestan #14 road, Navin Street, Enjil district, Herat-Afghanistan. Office address: Office No. 8. Saffron Plaza Market,Ameriat Square, Herat-Afghanistan.
مشاهده همه آگهی های این کاربر
072 * * * * * * * * *

مشخصات تماس

+93728061919 | +93784061919 | +93706061919
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