2 سال قبل
291 بازدید

Livelihood Trainer (Re Announced)


ولایت: غزنی
ولسوالی: خواجه عمري-مقر


نام اداره / شرکت: SCA
شماره بست: HRM/GRMO 32/2023
تعداد وظیفه: 1
جندر: مرد/زن
تحصیل: لیسان در علوم اجتماعي، اقتصاد، زراعت
تجربه کاري: سه سال
تاریخ ختم: 2023-06-20
ایمیل درخواستي: noorullah.ahmadi@sca.org.af

About SCA:

SCA has been working in Afghanistan since 1982 and is presently managing development programmes linked to Strategic Objectives concerning Health, Education and Community Driven Development. With a total annual, budget of roughly USD 40 million. The total number of staff is around 5,700 of whom 15 are non-Afghans. The SCA presence in Afghanistan consists of the Kabul Management Office (KMO), five Regional Management Offices and two Liaison Offices. In Sweden SCA has 20 staff working at the Stockholm Management Office (SMO) and around 3,500 members organized in local chapters all over the country. In the last 10 years, SCA has undertaken a change process moving from a primarily humanitarian service delivery approach towards more of a developmental role, putting increasing emphasis on capacity development, rights-based programming and outcome orientation. The mission of SCA is to empower individuals, communities and local organizations, primarily in rural areas and with particular focus on women, girls, boys and vulnerable groups such as people with disabilities, so that they may participate fully in society and influence their own development.


Job Description:

·       Conduct training need assessment for target groups and other relevant assessments for the project.

·       To conduct & deliver community capacity building trainings as per the Livelihood Project plan in the areas of bookkeeping, management, leadership, social audit, planning, procurement, and accounting.

·       To ensure transparency, train staff on community participatory monitoring and social audit.

·       Assist project team in terms of community mobilization in every step of the implementation.

·       Work closely with CDC members and sub-committees to provide technical support during orientation, CDP review, project implementation and conducting social audit sessions.

·       Develop and facilitate training and workshops for project staff and local authorities.

·       Develop training modules, conduct, and follow up of trainings related to Community Governance and Local Governance for staff members, CDCs, Livelihood Committees (LCs), and DGOs.

·       Conduction of trainings on right to access information, Human Resource Management, reward and incentive policy awareness and other relevant trainings as per project work plan.

·       Maintain training data (qualitative and quantitative) and do analysis regularly to make sure planned activities and training improve skills and knowledge of the target groups; and

·       Conduct field visit regularly (at least 80% monthly) and provide with field visit report and reflect points for further improvement, as well as prepare a monthly activity plan and report.

·       Document lessons learnt from implementation and actively contribute to revision of guidelines and manuals.

·       Conduct regular field visits and meetings with local authorities and community leaders and direct beneficiaries.

·       Assist project team in the process of community mobilization, selection of vocational trainees and to supervise vocational training centres regularly.

·       Work closely and provide technical assistance to vocational trainers and trainees to assure the quality of work in the centres

·       Submit photos and relevant data on the project activities to data management officer for further entry in the database in a timely manner.

·       Together with capacity building unit in organizing and provide trainings for capacity building of Livelihood Social Organizers.

·       Regular supervision and technical support to district managers and Livelihood Social Organizers. (At least 80% of travel to the district on monthly basis);

·        Effective communication with project staff to ensure staff understand their roles and responsibilities and can successfully perform their duties.

·       Ensure that community trainings conducted, and awareness raised.


Job Requirements:

·       Bachelor’s degree holders from any recognized University in the field of Social science. sociology, agriculture, and Economics. Related professional skills is preferred.


·       Three years relevant experience with bachelor’s degree while 2 years experiences within NGOs, UN agencies or similar organizations.

·       Development and facilitation of livelihoods & governance trainings for staff, communities, and local authorities

·       To have a good supervisor, monitoring, analytical and troubleshooting skills

·       Computer skill at operator level, especially with MS Office packages

·       Having training skills/knowing English and fluency in Pashto & Dari, both written and spoken.

·       Interpersonal and communication skills

·       Supervisory, team worker, analytical, and troubleshooting skills

·       Experience of planning, reporting, and budgeting

·       Ability and willingness to travel to the project sites within Afghanistan and adjust to SCA environment

·       Honest, proactive, and well mannered

·       Familiarity with the eastern region where SCA operates

·       Ready to work, live and travel in an intricate and strenuous

Submission Guideline:

·       Interested qualified candidates should submit a full CV with a cover letter explaining their motivation in applying for the job and highlighting their relevant skills and experience;

·       To apply online please send your application / CV and cover letter through email below:



Dear Applicants:

If the link is not functional, pleae apply through the email


·       Academic certificates or references need not to be submitted at this time. These will be requested at the time of interview.

·       Only short-listed candidates will be invited for written test and interview.

Females are highly encouraged to apply.

SCA is committed to ethical standards, a safe and inclusive work environment.  Our work is based on our values: Responsiveness, Equality, Impartiality, Social Justice, and Integrity.

Background and reference checks are part of the recruitment process and will be conducted for the successful candidate.


Submission Email:


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