2 سال قبل
354 بازدید



ولایت: غزنی
ولسوالی: جغتو


نام اداره / شرکت: People in Need
نوع استخدام: Part Time
معاش: مطابق اصول اداره
شماره بست: PIN-HR/0104-19/23
تعداد وظیفه: 4
جندر: مرد /زن
تحصیل: حد اقل ۱۲ پاس
تجربه کاري: یکسال دربخش سروی و نظارت
تاریخ شروع: ۱۹/۴/۲۰۲۳
تاریخ ختم: ۵/۵/۲۰۲۳
ایمیل درخواستي: https://airtable.com/shrjnbmm9uJrCRhxL

About People In Need:

PIN is a Czech, non-governmental, non-profit organisation founded on the ideals of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity. Human dignity and freedom are fundamental values and we believe that people anywhere in the world should have the right to make decisions about their own lives and share the rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

People in Need’s Afghanistan country programme started in November 2001, providing emergency food distribution in mountainous areas of the central highlands. 20 years later, the programme has visibly grown and diversified, but continues to promote PIN’s core values: envisioning a world where people are free to make decisions about their lives; a world where people are not restricted by an un-free society, poverty, lack of education or discrimination. Today, we work along the humanitarian and development spectrum, providing immediate aid supporting the most vulnerable in Afghanistan to find long-term solutions to the challenges they face

  • Job Description:

She/he will be closely supervised and report to the assigned Coordinator. The core task will be to conduct household level assessments for programming and MEAL purposes, as well as assist in the distribution process of assistance and post distribution monitoring. The type of assessments can also include – rapid market assessments, surveys, post-distribution monitoring, focus group discussions or other.

  1. Conduct data collection using the provided data collection tools
  • Conduct data collection using the provided data collection tools (i.e. tablets, KOBO) through interviews/surveys, making sure the collected data is accurately recorded.
  • Conduct household survey (or other type of survey and assessment) on the target households within the assigned areas.
  • Develop relationship of trust and safe space during data collection exercise with respondents.
  • Document all the findings in the provided data collection tools in a clear and accurate manner.
  • Identify and report immediately any challenges faced to the supervisor that could affect the quality of the data.
  • Take responsibility for project equipment that you may be entrusted with.
  • Where feasible and appropriate, liaise with other humanitarian actors on the ground to ensure principled, coordinated assessment and response
  1. Other Duties
  • Support the distribution of humanitarian assistance in the province.
  • Any other duties assigned by the project manager/team leader
  • Provide real-time information on the context from the field including but not limited to security, access, needs
  1. Reporting:
  • Present the data to the supervisor at the end of each day. Report to the supervisor before and after day’s work for further direction.
  • Ensure handing in of all the completed household visits and questionnaires for the day to the supervisor.
  • In discussion and close coordination with assigned Coordinator support in access negotiations in target areas
  • Participate in the relevant trainings when requested
  • Taking photos/video clips of the beneficiaries during assessment/distribution when requested and with consent
  • Perform other responsibilities assigned by the line manager.
  1. Post-Enumeration
  • Ensure that all questionnaires and equipment are accounted for.
  • Turn over all literature and materials used in the survey to the supervisor.
  • Follow confidentiality and security procedures to ensure respondent privacy is protected.
  • Timely completion and submission of timesheets

Job Requirements:

Essential requirements

  • Minimum Highschool graduate, Diploma in the relevant filed is preferable.
  • 1 years of proven experience in field assessment, social activities, monitoring and evaluation, and coordination.
  • Expertise and experience in the humanitarian sector contexts and programs.
  • Strong experience in using KOBO application
  • Ability to work as an effective team member
  • Ability to work independently and confidence to undergo household visits.
  • Ability to travel to field on daily bases
  • Have strong Interpersonal Communication Skills.
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to details
  • Strong knowledge of and experience in relevant field
  • English typing and ability to read and understand English assessment forms

Submission Guideline:

Please submit CVs and Cover Letter outlining why you are interested in the position and how your skills and experience match the skills, qualifications and competencies required for this position. Applicants who meet the qualification and requirements for the mentioned position will be selected on a rolling basis, with the last date for applications being 05 May 2023, midnight.

Please follow the below link and fill out the form completely



Submission Email:


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