2 سال قبل
405 بازدید

شفاخانه خیرخواه-Khair Khwa Medical Complex – KMC


ولایت: کابل
ولسوالی: شهر کابل
موقعیت: قلعه نجارها، ناحیه یازده، شهر کابل

About KMC

KMC is counted among one of the best multi-speciality hospitals in Asia located in Kabul.

KMC is the premium healthcare service provider equipped with the best and state of the art medical facilities in Kabul.
This is a centre-of-excellence exclusively dedicated to multiple-specialty care. The hospital focuses on delivering Quality and Affordable healthcare while maintaining the core values of Clinical Excellence, Patient Centricity and Ethical Practices.
The hospital is driven by our team of dedicated medical professionals and staff, whose clinical proficiency is wholly focused on creating a Centre of Excellence using modern advancements in medicine and medical technology.

We provide a wide range of medical services including General surgery, Neurosurgery, Cosmetic surgery, General medicine, ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat), Neurology, Urology, Dentistry, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Gastroenterology, Diabetes, Gynaecology, Pediatrics, Pulmonology, Hemodialysis, Dermatology, ophthalmology, Free Vaccination and best diagnostic services up to the advanced level.


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